Thursday, April 30, 2009

i will be your light

GA-GAAAAAA FOR this dress. pleated dot chiffon=PERFECTION

perfect summer PAUL & JOE-via shopbop

i feel complete in the mercy seat...

so, today, i had the very awesome opportunity to meet JOSHUA WHITE, the man behind the Joshua Light Show. Incase you are wondering, in a short & simple biography, he's the master of the great & psychedelic liquid loops that were projected behind any legendary 60s bands, think--Hendrix, the Dead, Jefferson Airplane.

He came in & spoke to my class about a bunch of things, it was quite a treat to meet him since i am very much a fan. can you imagine what it would have been like to listen to hendrix while watching this shit...? esp. if you were on drugs?! ha! it reminds me of the time i saw radiohead in 01 or 02', gone out of my mind on, if only i had the light show-10 million times cooler.

the best part is, after class, i had to get up and shake his hand and say thanks. apparently, my class and professor told him about how in the 1st semester i did a presentation on his life, so we cut a few jokes back n' forth, and at the end, he's like, i have a present for you! he totally gave me a copy of the LIQUID LOOPS dvd.

so killer. check this guy out & FREE YO'MIND...JLS

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

oh! you pretty things

can't wait for this documentary to hit. should be out soon..but haven't gotten exact news on the release. its eric green's answer to shoegazer music. with interviewees such as kevin shields, mark gardener, robert smith-on bands like jesus & mary chain, ride, catherine wheel and plenty more gushy, drowning shoegazer bliss. all together now.......


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

strange attraction

chris anthony/venice series/fuckin rocks my world

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

beat on the brat with a baseball bat

its a craptastic day in the have. cold & rainy. total bummer.
not to mention, little things have been getting me down.
hey, if i can't use my own blog to bitch..i don't know what to do.

devo truly paved the way for so many alternative bands that peeps have jock itch for. sure, they were wacky, but who doesn't love a spice of wickedness? rads for shilla. definitely my favorite devo song, too bad this recording is so warped! please enjoy. and if you are not familiar with the total wickedness that is devo, please allow me to share the wealth.

lets hope tomorrow is a better day.

and here's the clip when they feature 'gut feeling' in LIFE AQUATIC (killer flick). eine german, for my double boo, christine & ike, who are germany abroad.

they also mourn who do not wear black

tumblr is so cool..

daily things that make my brain twerk.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

headlights look like diamonds

sunday-funday. in grad school, not so much, but i dare to dream. been cleaning. organizing receipts and paperwork. (my least favorite thing to do) a personal assistant would be nice.
i woke up super early this morning thanks to beccs. she called me at like, 5am my time. she had just left smartbar in chicago after seeing derrick carter & mark farina. lucky.
so i watched dr. strangelove.

i fuckin love movies. i am really stoked for all the new ones i've been reading about. like this

ok, top 5 reasons to love this movie

1. opening -the smiths, there is a light and it never goes out. any movie that opens with two people finding each other on account of the smiths, esp. this freakin' song, one of my favs.. buying a ticket just for that reason alone!
2. joseph gordon levitt
3. notice he's wearing a joy division tee in one frame
4. off beat romantic comedy. those, by definition of sundance standards are the best kind.
5. the sid & nancy joke. cool.

remind me to spend some good time with you

Friday, April 17, 2009

yea its a real cool club & you're not part of it...

new boots from golden goose. really love boots with side zips.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

speak to me in a language i can hear

look at all this pink stuff i'm attracted to lately.

i'm a big fan of shaggy furs and love how this is offset with creamy worn in pink suede in a super crop version. a kind of miss. piggy way.


It's just the wasted years so close behind

love me two times, i'm goin away

two posts in one day..
i must be....
yes, its this no sleep thing. the secret for success with a capital S.
but you gota love this. i am secretly imagining this is my bedroom. i think i would swing on chair while stealing kisses.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

hello its me, i've thought about us for a long long time...

so, i am trying to be patient and wait for my new presents. but i really can't wait, i check ups like a mad person. and since i am on a purchasing hold for the next month, i have been spending more time on blogs -catching up on reading. i'm also just about 2 weeks till finals, so its probably for the best i don't waste time shopping--i can concentrate, wang bag and all!
i spent another all nighter doing a bunch of drawings for class. its crazy because i've been hallucinating a lot. i sometimes think it has to do with my lack of sleep-but i'm sure its my past catching up to me as well. either way, its been entertaining..
i really love this look on coco rocha.

like i mentioned before, i am excited for the punchy spring colors. my marc by marc jacobs studs & staples in fluro pink is just waiting for the warm weather to arrive.

i like the idea of doing solid black or maybe even grey with just that punch of the fluro pink.
speaking of pink & wang..

crushin this big time. the thing i really appreciate about alexander wang pieces is its all in the nuances. he is the ultimate for that. you know you are going to get a piece by him that was really so intentional and thought over in so many ways. definitely not to be taken for granted. its incredible quality.

photo love--sartorialist, geek purses, shopbop

and for kicks...
love this cut. and its worth the view for the wicked 70s style.

Monday, April 13, 2009

my promise could be your fiend...

i caved.

given up eating and coffee runs for the next month. but couldn't resist the tax break cut on shopbop.

oh, and this cut by new order rocks my world. let yourself be paralyzed.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

its all gonna break..


Monday, April 6, 2009

we get high in back seats of cars

look at my new scores...can you believe payless? well, thank you alice & olivia.