when i was seventeen, i came across a short essay that someone had written and lost. it read....
"And when I help someone
I always help myself by helping"
and went on to form a very persuasive analysis of this quote. i carefully folded the paper and placed it in my forever box when i returned home later that night.
now, some years later, well, a lot of fucking years later, i was reminded of that essay and the quote. i searched for this wonderful, little piece of paper that i intended to keep for the rest of my years...and be reminded of what this person was really trying to say.
what do we do when we help others? we never set out to get a return, or at least, i hope that's not why you are helping people..but in some grand scheme of the universe,when we help others, some how it comes back to help us too. within the act of helping someone else and the gratitude received, you are helped and equally feel good. its like that commercial that spans across a day and watches different people being in situations where they see a person before them helping someone and then in turn they go on to help someone else.
and its taken me many years, but that quote is actually from a goldfinger song...
isn't it crazy how the smallest event in your life can somehow have so much meaning later on...
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