Friday, September 11, 2009

ladies & gentlemen: we are falling asleep..

is it just me..or is this blog turning into a music blog. never fear..
scored a pair of cheap mondays. super slick in black magic..

bought the man a new pair of kicks. just cos..........don't you love gifts like that?

and i caved and bought what is kind of a book bag. my purses just aren't cutting it anymore.


Anonymous said...

those vans are awesome and that "book bag" is close to a purse....

good work!

Spicoli said...

yah, when that bag comes in the mail, i have a feeling its more of a duffle bag..way too big for books. i may have to go the old fashioned route. but those vans are pretty sick. he's a lucky guy to have access to outfitting skillzzzz. ; )