Friday, September 30, 2011

we're havin big fun

whoa. its been a while since i've seen you smile. credz:ween
i'm on serious double duty. full time mom + full time job=no free time.
i've found these quiet moments while the house is at rest, to have a little fun for myself.

i always really loved this cut.
for the message, yes.
for the succulent beats, yes.

well, the dirty cloth diapers i was washing seem to be done.
and word on the street is, they don't fold themselves.

Friday, August 26, 2011

its your time

its the freakin weekend!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

hang ten

gonna get back to the swing of things....

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


totally one of my all time favorite cuts.

napoleon dynamite was cool. but when this song came on, it was 1 billion times cooler.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

it ain't hard to tell

head is spinning. so much work. can't complain. life is good.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

little girl

life is so busy right now.
baby. moving. new beginnings rising.

Friday, July 1, 2011


i'm kinda blue.
i am missing my family.
i wish i was closer to them.
i wish my dad wasn't such a jerk.
i want to be stronger.
josh sent me a mix my first year at yale.
this was track 8 on a two part mix.
i listen to this cd every time i want to feel something...
its really quite melancholy.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

i have been without sleep

dear , sweet, baby...
she's here!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

no alarms and no surprises

i couldn't have said it better myself.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

the door test, kid, thats what counts

have you ever watched A Bronx Tale? its quite possibly one of favorites. i thought about that scene with calogero & sonny, where sonny explains the door test....

"Alright, listen to me. You pull up right where she lives, right? Before you get outta the car, you lock both doors. Then, get outta the car, you walk over to her. You bring her over to the car. Dig out the key, put it in the lock and open the door for her. Then you let her get in. Then you close the door. Then you walk around the back of the car and look through the rear window. If she doesn't reach over and lift up that button so that you can get in: dump her."

"Just like that?"

"Listen to me, kid. If she doesn't reach over and lift up that button so that you can get in, that means she's a selfish broad and all you're seeing is the tip of the iceberg. You dump her and you dump her fast."

then i think about how after seeing this movie, i made a conscious effort to apply this rule to everyone i dated and everyone who would date me. as funny as this sounds, its been really awesome advice. & wouldn't it be something to know that this same advice would somehow mean something to my little girl one day.

i believe when i fall in love this time, it will be forever

Saturday, June 4, 2011

i'm wide awake, its morning

whats a pregnant lady to do with her weekend time??

TYE DYE baby onesies, of course.

SO OOOO oooo OO o

Friday, June 3, 2011

you're on your own now, we won't save you.

i can recall,
heading to ford city mall
to buy this cd

Sunday, May 29, 2011

we used to wait

watching the boys become men.
the girls welcome motherhood.
seeing people all around me reach a new chapter in their life.

Friday, May 20, 2011

have i told ya you could really get it on?

oh, july! what differences you will bring :)

anything by raquel allegra. this one is mine.

pencey driving me crazy with this beaut. so me, so can't wait to wear it all around town.

need something comfortable to chase a wee one around. these are just my style

love these wayuu taya foundation bags. such beautiful colors, craftsmenship and a wonderful contribution. every bag you buy goes to help the non for profit, to help improve the lives of latin american indigenous communities.

via shopbop.urbanbushesbabes.swaggerjunky.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

wake up

this song reminds me of last year.

mad world





Tuesday, May 17, 2011

in loving memory.


thanks ike.

must be a devil between us

i believe it was junior high the first time i heard the pixies. the nineties, man. but i'm an old soul.

the pixies remain one of my favorite groups.
its music of my formative years.
music you pass on to people you care about.
jesus christ.

Monday, May 16, 2011

now i wanna be your dog

this belongs on a mix for your sweetie.

my golden rule:
a good mix includes at least one "oldie"

love the keyboard break-it-down at the end by white suit boy and he's pretty darn cute too!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

gamma ray

what do you get when you bust your ass for three years...

a. very little sleep. mostly 1 or 2 hour naps, scattered daily.
b. a bunch of grey hair & an addiction to caffeine
c. a pathetic social life
d. all of the above, plus a motherfucking graduate degree from YALE !!!!!!!!

if you answered D, you are correct.

turned in my thesis friday after 48 hours of no sleep...don't worry, no babies were harmed during this process. presented the thesis to over nine faculty members, answered a slew of questions, bit my nails down to a painfully short level, had quite a few moments of emotional breakdowns...this is serious business folks! yale, is notorious for not graduating quite a few designers each year....
they loved it. ! my heart is full and swimming . its feels so fucking great.
next stop, graduation!

Friday, May 6, 2011

this is a new day

headed to nyc garment district tomorrow to swatch these fuck'n costumessssssss......

today marks ONE WEEK.
countdown in effect.

oy. oy. oy. !!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


i once put this cut on a mix i made in honor of a 5 year reunion with an old friend.

this was post silence of the lambs. but i wasn't trying to be creepy. it was a scattered mix of emotions. our relationship was one in which i consider the most volatile.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

ooo, baby when you cry, your face is momentary

you ever wonder what someone was thinking when they put a song for you on a mixtape?
i once had a boy make me a mixtape with this misfits cut on it.
i practiced skateboarding to this mix all summer long.

i remember he drew me pictures of all the bands logos on the mix.
the anal cunt one was the funniest.

Friday, April 22, 2011

make love

drawing my guts out.

long may you run

what a neat piece....


by brook&lyn/via shopbop. anything with a stone in it is going to have my vote...i'm very embarrassed to admit what a crystal/stone loving freak i am. i had a serious problem back in the early 2000's, and i have quite the collection even now which i sincerely believe still have the ability to bring healing powers. i know, i know..hippie.
well, anyway, this piece is unique and think about all the ways it would jazz up your simple summer frock. i obviously will not be donnin this beaut with my big prego self, but i can imagine the possibilities in july after my sweet babycakes is here & all we have to do is have fun in the sun!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


resting in peace, my dearest.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

i should go see you in June

i'm in thesis.

t minus 28 days.

where has all the good music gone?

i can't wait to make mixtapes of my youth for maya....

& she knows
she knows..
she knows....

i listened to the smashing pumpkins during a very beautiful moment of my life.

i imagine my daughter in tall green grass exploring on her own for the first time during her teenage years:

falling in love.
a diary.
keeping secrets.
best friends forever.
her first purse.
feeling pretty with lipstick on.
finding a favorite band.
going to her first concert.
jeans with skirts on top.
all the things you encounter with pure, unadulterated innocence.
i'm going to try, in fact, i pledge to preserve this moment in her life as long as i can for her.
no need to grow up so fast...
it all moves too fast later on...
best to enjoy getting there, my sweet little girl.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

shiny happy people

oh, sweet anthropologie catalog that i just received in my mailbox last night......
how adorable are your retro-fitted swim suit spreads ?
this catalog is totally worth a pick up-
lots of inspiration for summer....
dream. dream. dream...
for warmer days
i think summer's calling my name...

& i'll take one of these to cover up for dinners and strolls later on that night

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

we're on the road to nowhere

i can't remember the person who first put me on to shuggie otis...i do remember it was in my early tower records days.
i smoked so much weed to this song.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

most beauty i've seen, you come from a dream

you loved ween from your tape deck radio
as you drove home from college-
back in 02'
fifty mini thins digested,
calling me from the isolated road
sometimes in winter-
winters that remind me of a lost friend.

I'll begin again with another new name, and a whole new life, full of fortune and fame

its been a while.
life catches you off guard from time to time...
40 days till thesis.
50 till graduation.
i have to make the most of this blog while i still can.

yah, this band pretty much rules.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Now I don’t know where I am; I don’t know where I’ve been; But I know where I want to go

its my birthday today. i usually take some time to reflect over the past years events and my goals for the next one.
i can't believe how important this birthday will be for me. my first birthday as a mother, as a yale graduate, as a woman with complete and utter happiness.
today is my birthday, but i bought my daughter this really awesome gift. i hope she likes it one day when she's old enough.

thats the thing about motherhood. if it had been last year, i would have made some frivolous purchase for myself...and now, i don't want or need a thing at all! i have everything i could ever want.

its a rocking horse by disguincio from italy. it really is the coolest thing i've ever seen! i can't wait to give it to her.

so happy birthday to me. the best one. ever.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

goodbye stranger

craving spring like something awful.....

Rod Stewart - Young Turks by vmedina27

lou weed

what i want now!!!!

via free people

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


my best friend in sixth grade's
older sister, candice...
made me freestyle mixtapes.
that i would fill my ears with,
on my way to ford city mall

if i could choose a place to die; it would be in your arms

Thursday, March 10, 2011

strange overtones

i have neglected you, dear, public, very public- blog. well, for good reason. i am busy completing my thesis for graduate school. this song and this post allows me a moment to reflect. i began this blog during my 2nd semester of my 1st year at Yale. i wanted it to be a diary of some sorts to keep friends and family posted on what was going on or what the hell i was thinking all those times i would sequester myself in my studio for weeks on end. i failed to return calls, neglected my long distance boyfriend, my friends, my family back home- ultimately, worrying and pissing off quite a few close people- but, i was focused...and isn't that what they wanted from me?
i made a commitment to do something for myself that i had deeply wanted to do for some time. i always knew that after undergrad i would return for my graduate degree-and when the time came in 2008, i had the fullest intentions to do it right.
somehow i was forgiven, even when at the time, all seemed lost between some relationships, sometimes even those that were the most precious to me. i found myself, i figured out balance for the first time in my life. how to be a better person - how to enjoy life just a little bit more. i am standing now realizing this very, cosmic thing and as my thesis due date rapidly approaches, i can not help to overview my emotions and memories of these past three years upon entering Yale-and what the future holds after.

in may 2011, i will graduate from yale university with my masters degree and while that thrills me more than i can describe, in june 2011 i will be a mother too. josh & i will welcome our first child. so, you see, this really is an amazing three years- i really have grown. i truly have the most precious and incredible life that anyone can ask for and i can't wait to keep going.
here's to 2011 & beyond, to my truest partner & friend, josh, what haven't we conquered....
to my future daughter, i will love you everyday, every hour, every minute- i can not wait to meet you and tell you in person just how amazing you are & how lucky you make me feel to be your mother.

thanks for reading all these years, many of you i know personally and some of you, have found me along the way, which is awesome! look out in 2011 for some new exciting projects i have in the works that will involve children..hey, why not? i will be qualified by then ;)
a new blog
updated costume website
career mobility
& even a big move to a new city for me, josh & the baby love!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

something in the way

happy birthday, beautiful.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

i'd say its a sight worth seeing...

lets pretend its summer..

jens pirate booty//via revolve

cynthia vincent//via shopbop

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

i'm feelin you

so, we meet again.

yes, i have a torrid love affair with all nighters.
but it don't matta' when you have some good tunes......
keep me goin strong drawin all night long.


lucky for you, i learned how to share.

resident advisor podcast, 10.04.10.detroit beatdown. get your workload under control to some sweet detroit house & high five me later.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

i see years of pride tomorrow

So can you understand?
Why I want a daughter while I'm still young
I wanna hold her hand
And show her some beauty
Before this damage is done

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


everybody must get stoned.

this is showtime

we open thursday.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

a man is real, not made of steel




& how very blessed we are...
start you off with a little GIRL YOU WANT


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

gettin over

lets go....

to bed.

Monday, January 17, 2011

boardwalk empire

i have never watched this show...but being that i am a costume designer, i really should....

people have been blowing up my ear and it actually seems really great. maybe this should be on my netflix queue.....

well, the really interesting thing about this show is, of course, the ASSUMABLY rad 20s/30s fashions-
but what really peeks my interest is the opening credits.

if you listen closely, its a little favorite of mine.
yup, its the brian jonestown massacre.
oh, and martin scorsese directs.....need i hesitate???
i say ,nay..

wanna grow up to be a debaser

before no doubt ruined all of our lives with their cover of this gem...

there was the real thing.

talk talk

& what a seriously bizarre video this is.

lets pretend its summer

take drugs to make music to take drugs to
only one of my favs of all time.
xoxo -anton!! you crazy sob.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

as far as i'd seen life was endless

i remember being just a wee lad seeing this video on much music...
does anyone remember that show?
it was like the canadian equivalent to mtv, but much cooler, and i am talking about mtv before the days of sixteen & pregnant and katy perry videos.

killer cut. of course.

i want your love

how freakin rich is this?
charles weldon...
one of the astounding actors in the upcoming show i'm designing...
is not only an actor...
but had a number one hit in a doo-wop group of the 50s.

you know this is music for your soul. so good and makes me wish i was around in these times-
he's the one standing on right, center body facing camera.....
and if you are wondering, thats him singing lead.
which is perfect because he sings a few in our play too!!!
so stoked!

take me home

its music like this that keeps me going
just a few more months on the east coast....
and then, i'm surfing, beachin and livin up the west coast.

its gonna be like 1970..
all the time.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


sweet jesus//



given the chance i'd die like a baby

i'm far too old to get annoyed...
mostly just flattered that some less fortunate souls feel the need to be something they are not.
you are not me. nor the other people you attempt to emulate.
gee whiz, get a life of your own and live it.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

we used to be friends

one of my favorite things....
ladies & gentlemen
************THE DANDY WARHOLS*****************

Hear me out, for I was joyful once
Like everyone
Hear me out, I must have changed
Sometime and all at once
Cos it seems
That nothing stays the same as certainly as me
And nothing stays the same but me

Well I have toiled and I have tamed
Constricted and constrained
Just to learn about how everyone is sane
Well I am old and I am lame
And ruthlessly estranged
Ask me then what I have gained from almost everyone, oh-oh

Hear me out, for I have everything in deep
Hear me out, I must have changed

Well I have toiled and I have tamed
Constricted and constrained
Just to learn about how everyone is totally insane, now
Well I am old and I am lame
And ruthlessly estranged
Ask me then what I have gained from almost everyone, oh-oh

Hear me out, for I was joyful once
Like everyone
Hear me out, I must have changed

mrs. robinson

Saturday, January 1, 2011

strange things will happen

happy 2011

i already know how this year will be one of good fortune.
its incredible what i have to look forward to.

let 2011 be your year too.